CamelCaseKeys overview

Added in v1.4.0

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The same as the Struct schema combinator, but keys are transformed to camel case in the output type.

Warning It is possible to have one or more input keys map to the same output key. This combination will produce unlawful instances.


export declare const CamelCaseKeys: <T extends Record<string, Schema<any, any>>>(
  props: T,
  extraProps?: 'strip' | 'error' | undefined,
  mergeStrategy?: 'first' | 'last' | undefined
) => Schema<
    [KeyType in keyof (RequiredInputProps<T> & OptionalInputProps<T>)]: (RequiredInputProps<T> &
  { [K in keyof T as CamelCase<K, { preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true }>]: TypeOf<T[K]> }

Added in v1.4.0